Last Friday Cincinnati leaders announced a proposal to review and refresh the city's Collaborative Agreement, negotiated in 2002. The agreement was put in place following the civil unrest in 2001, after a white Cincinnati police officer, Stephen Roach, shot and killed Timothy Thomas, a 19-year-old, unarmed African-American.
Court-enforced federal monitoring of the agreement ended in 2008. Since then, it has been used as a guide to continue improving police-community relations.
Joining us to discuss the importance of the original Collaborative Agreement and what will take place during this current review and refresh are Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley; local activist Iris Roley; civil rights attorney Al Gerhardstein; Cincinnati Police Chief Eliot Isaac; Cincinnati Enquirer city hall reporter Sharon Coolidge; and WVXU city hall reporter Jay Hanselman.
To view the current proposal for the Collaborative Agreement "refresh," click here.
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