A sure sign the opioid epidemic is getting worse is when Greater Cincinnati cyclists start seeing evidence of drugged drivers every two to three days. A forum is planned Thursday to help cyclists stay alive.
President of Queen City Bike Frank Henson says his organization is, "Getting increasing reports about motorized vehicles doing hazardous lane changes. It doesn't seem to be purposeful. It just seems to be random."
In the last year and a half two cyclists have been killed by drugged drivers. William Rust was riding his bike on the U.S. 52 shoulder in Anderson Township when hit from behind by a driver who admitted to police he was high on heroin. Michael Prater was killed on Kellogg, also by a drugged driver.

Operations Manager of Red Bike and President of Cincinnati Off Road Alliance (CORA) Doug McClintock says cyclists need to be "super attentive" and as visible as possible. He says, "Both of the cyclists unfortunately who were killed were doing everything correctly but that is what we have to reinforce within our community, because those things can make a difference."
The forum is at the AAA driving school on Madison Road from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Police will be there to give cyclists advice.