As the Senate meets with cabinet nominees, we take a look at a few key plans.
Patients increasingly turn to crowdfunding to raise money for costly hospital bills — why isn't insurance covering more?
Rural communities with fewer local doctors — and longer distances to travel for hospital care — also generally have limited high-speed internet service.
Someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke once every 40 seconds, and more than 160,000 U.S. deaths were by stroke in 2020.
We take a look at why families are putting off medical care.
The University of Cincinnati study found communities with low vaccination rates tended to have the fewest hospitals, health clinics and other infrastructure. They also tended to have fewer health care professionals.
In the summer of 2013, a boy from Loveland was struck by lightning while attending a summer camp near Indianapolis. The lightning stopped his heart and robbed his brain of oxygen. For a time, nobody knew if 12-year-old Ethan Kadish would survive. Now he's 22, and the Kadish family is marking their 10th Hanukkah since his injury.
A new fellowship at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine aims to help future doctors become experts in transgender and LGBTQ+ medicine.
A survey conducted by The Health Collaborative found that one in 10 local health care jobs is currently unfilled.
Cincinnati Children's and UC Health are partnering to test a potential new cancer therapy that could drastically reduce the time it takes to receive…